Thursday, July 19, 2012


I need motivation, I need more unattainable beauty and lifestyles to motivate me and push me on. I need more jealousy to keep it going. I need people to spike and provoke me. I need to realize that all I have is not good enough.

I need to wake up to my sense. Now guys/boys, love/hatred, leisure/pleasure all of it doesn't matters. I need to prioritize. I need to stay constant about being determine. I need to stress myself yet be carefree. I need to watch my diet to be healthy. I need to start loving myself. I need to study, I need that education. I need to pursue my dreams. I need to learn new things. I need to change yet still be me. I need to procrastinate no more. I need a getaway again. I need to pray. I need God.

And now I need to sleep. Xoxo ❤


  1. That's right! Start studying seriously now!

    1. Hi Jessie! You will not remember me. I thank the Lord that I have found you on the internet. This reply is not coincidence -- it is divinely appointed! The Lord told me to He wanted me to pray for a special person; He gave me your name and led me to you, Jessie. God has not forgotten or forsaken you, He is the same yesterday, today and forever! Yes He is! Your heart's cries have been opened onto His ears. The answer is on its way -- your freedom from a wounded spirit. I knew you since your were born when I used to visit your Auntie I..z. You were loved by everyone, and still are. I knew your dad, Uncle Al...t, Aunt Phy...s, etc. I am also a senior citizen with a daughter age 25 who appears to be a "carbon copy" of you (physically and emotionally) -- believe it or not! We've had our battles with spiritual warfare, but with the Lord's tender mercies, she is now coming along. Hope you don't mind my writing to you, but I am filled with tears and my heart aches for you. Please hang on to the things you have been taught, you will make it, with God's help. Don't give up; being hurt is a big part of life, but we don't stop there -- be strong and of a good courage and the Lord will strengthen your heart. With much love and blessings -- Aunt Joan
